Who is the Best Window Company in Idaho Falls, Idaho? We called them all so you don’t have to!

Idaho Falls Window Replacement Company Comparison

When comparing the following window companies in Idaho Falls, we reached out via phone as well as the contact form on each company’s website. We asked each company about their standard windows, their availability, any available warranty, the cost on a standard 48” x 48” window, and details about the energy rating on the standard window.

Valley Glass in Idaho Falls

  • Response Time: LONG

  • Price for 1 Window: Unknown

  • Glass Quality: Unknown

  • Glass Warranty: None

When we called Valley Glass in Idaho Falls, they answered our call faster than expected. They did not have any standard windows in stock and informed us that, at a minimum, we would have to wait two weeks for an order to arrive. Once the order arrived we would then be able to schedule an install, which could take even longer. They were unable to get a solid price on a standard window, did not seem to have a glass break warranty, and said the warranty on the window itself would be up to the manufacturer.

Even though they were lacking in details and answers to questions, their customer service was great. We did not receive any response to our internet submission through their website asking the same questions we did on the phone. We submitted an inquiry through their website contact form and didn’t hear back after three days. They were unable to provide any information in terms of energy efficiency ratings for the standard windows they carry.


  • Response Time: LONG

  • Price for 1 Window: Starting at $350

  • Glass Quality: Unknown

  • Glass Warranty: Unknown

When we called CKs in Idaho Falls, it took a little longer to answer the phone. We were about to hang up when someone frantically picked up the phone. Similar to Valley Glass, they were out of stock for 48” x 48” standard windows, but mentioned it could be 4-6 weeks until they were able to get an order in. We submitted an inquiry through their website within minutes of submitting one to Valley Glass, and have still not received an email or call back. We submitted an inquiry through their website and after three days we still had not received a response.

Their standard windows start at $350, but do not include a glass break warranty, and have a very small one year installation warranty. CKs customer service was average, nothing near the friendliness of Valley Glass. Even though CKs had a few more answers to our questions, they were harder to speak with on the phone. The impression we received was that we were an annoyance.

J&B Superior Exteriors

  • Response Time: FAST

  • Price for 1 Window: $800

  • Glass Quality: High

  • Glass Warranty: Full Warranty

J&B Superior Exteriors carries standard windows that are extremely energy efficient, and has an excellent glass break warranty. There is a minimal installation fee when replacing a broken window, but still monumentally less than other Idaho Falls window companies. The cost of J&B’s standard 48” x 48” window is approximately $800, including great warranties, making this an excellent value.

J&B Superior Exteriors also has an incredibly fast response time, normally responding the same business day in just a few hours or less to customers and potential clients.

In conclusion, installing high-quality, energy-efficient windows in your home can provide numerous benefits, including energy savings, improved comfort, better indoor air quality, and increased home value. However, it's important to have them installed by a reputable window company to ensure the best results. By doing so, you can enjoy the benefits of energy-efficient windows for years to come. Be sure to work with the best window company in Idaho Falls, J&B Superior Exteriors.

Why should you choose J&B Superior Exteriors as your go-to window replacement company in Idaho Falls, Idaho?

When it comes to improving the energy efficiency of your home, one important factor to consider is the quality of your windows. High-quality, energy-efficient windows can make a significant difference in your home's energy usage and can help save you money on your energy bills. Additionally, these windows can offer other benefits such as improved comfort, better indoor air quality, and increased home value. But, it's important to have them installed by a reputable window company to ensure the best results.

First, let's discuss the benefits of energy-efficient windows. Traditional windows, especially single-pane windows, are not very effective at insulating your home. They can allow cold air to creep in during the winter and hot air during the summer. This can make it more difficult to maintain a comfortable temperature inside your home and lead to higher energy bills as your heating and cooling systems work harder to compensate.

Energy-efficient windows, on the other hand, are designed to minimize heat transfer. They typically feature multiple panes of glass with insulating gas in between, low-E coatings to reflect heat, and high-quality frames to prevent air leaks. This all works together to help keep your home at a more consistent temperature and reduce the workload on your HVAC system. As a result, you can save money on your energy bills and improve your home's overall energy efficiency.

In addition to energy savings, high-quality windows can also improve your home's comfort and indoor air quality. Energy-efficient windows are better at blocking out outdoor noise, making it easier to relax and sleep. They can also help reduce condensation and mold growth, which can contribute to poor indoor air quality and potential health issues.

Finally, installing energy-efficient windows can increase your home's value. This is especially true if you plan to sell your home in the future. Buyers are increasingly interested in homes with energy-efficient features, and high-quality windows can be a significant selling point. Plus, you can enjoy the benefits of lower energy bills and improved comfort while you're still living in the home.

Of course, not all windows are created equal, and it's important to have them installed by a reputable window company. A professional window installation company can help ensure that your windows are properly measured, installed, and sealed. They can also recommend the best type of windows for your home based on factors such as climate, budget, and personal preferences.

In addition, a reputable window company will offer warranties and guarantees on their products and services. This can provide you with peace of mind knowing that your investment is protected and that you'll have support if any issues arise.