How to Prevent Roof Damage After Winter

As the snow begins to melt with spring approaching, homeowners need to be prepared to protect their roofs from the changing temperatures. Here are ten tips to protect your roof:


Keep your home and family safe after winter by having trees trimmed well before winter starts. Branches that are knocked loose can cause broken shingles or even damage to roofs, so be sure to prepare ahead of time.


It's important to pay attention not only to your roof during an inspection but also take a quick look at the siding. A problem with one can quickly become associated with the other, so keeping both in check is essential for maintaining sound structure and integrity of home.

Sealing Around Fixtures

With snow melting soon and wet spring weather approaching, now is a critical time to inspect and safeguard your home's puncture points. Roof vents or satellite dishes can provide convenience but they also introduce potential entryways for moisture into your living space with disastrous consequences. Fortunately there are preventive measures you can take like using waterproof materials that need occasional touch-ups; damaged flashing should be replaced promptly. Secure these areas against unwelcome water invasions today.


To ensure the stability of your home, make sure to do an interior inspection annually. Moisture from within can often cause as much damage to a roof's beams and support structures than any external force. Inspecting your insulation at the end of winter is a great idea as it provides insight into how well your roof handled melting snow and ice throughout the winter months.

Pest Control

The arrival of spring in Idaho also brings with it an unwelcome guest: pests. Squirrels, bats, mice and rats are all on the lookout to make a home and will try to make your home their home, if they manage to find a way in. Not only can these pesky visitors wreak havoc by chewing through roofing materials or destroying insulation and wiring; they’ll even leave behind unpleasant smells & bacteria! To avoid any nasty surprises, ensure that you seal up all potential entry points around your home.

Clear Debris From Your Roof

Don't let debris buildup become a dangerous hazard on your roof, including large buildups of ice from the long winter.  Leaves, nuts and berries leftover from before winter can attract pests or cause damage if not properly taken care of. 

Falling from rooftops is one of the most hazardous activities for homeowners, so it's best to leave inspections and clearings to those with experience in order to protect yourself from unnecessary injury.

Clean Your Rain Gutters

By having a drainage system near your roof, you can help prevent dangerous conditions going from winter into spring. Clogged gutters create pools of water that could become breeding grounds for mildew and mold if left unchecked, as well as the possibility of ice continually forming when temperatures dip at night.

Missing Shingles

An inspection and preventive maintenance of your roof can save you from costly repairs - not to mention a damaged house. Avoiding missing or broken shingles curbs moisture leakage into the attic, preserving its structure over time while saving thousands in repair costs. With snow melting as spring comes, now is an important time to make sure there are no missing shingles on your home’s roof.

Don’t Ignore Mold

Is your shingle's color a less-than-appealing shade of green, yellow or black? It could be an unwelcome sign of moss, algae, mildew or mold adorning the roof. These organisms can damage your shingles and underlying structure - not to mention produce strong odors from their thriving colonies. To take back control of your rooftop dominion, consult with a trusted roofer about effective treatments on the market for eliminating invasive growth.

Roof Inspection

Taking a stroll on the rooftop is no longer your only option when assessing roof conditions. Thanks to modern technology, contractors can now use drones for precision measurements and detailed inspections of shingles as well as areas with potential concerns - all without compromising safety or jeopardizing your home. For an inspection of your roof, contact J&B Superior Exteriors in Twin Falls, Idaho.

J&B Superior Exteriors in Twin Falls

To prevent any damage to your home, employing a professional roofer for regular maintenance and inspections is essential. They can promptly identify problem areas and provide you with trustworthy solutions so that your roof remains in top condition!

In addition to providing roofing services in Twin Falls, J&B Superior Exteriors also offers window replacement. Our team specializes in providing the best value and the highest quality when it comes to roofing your Twin Falls home or replacing your windows.

Contact us today to arrange a consultation and find out why we're the best roofing company in Twin Falls. We provide quotes within 1 business day for roofing and window replacements. We look forward to discussing all of your roofing needs!

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